
bilge pump cartridges - bilge pumps are typically found in boats to help pump out unwanted water that may splash on board. They are water proof and cheap (less than $50 a piece) so make a great option for a low budget ROV. Bilge pumps are designed to pump water in one end and out the other, which means it would take one motor per direction (one for forward and one for reverse). To make our ROV even cheaper to build we buy just the motor cartridges and attach propellers. Since the motor is capable of moving in reverse (with the correct wiring set-up) we can move two directions with each motor.

double-pull-double-throw switches - Think of a light switch, but different. When in the middle, the motor (or whatever you are controlling) is off. Flip it forward and the motor moves one direction, and flip it back and it will move the other direction.

MATE - Marine Advanced Technology Education Center

pvc pipe - This is just simple (typically white) piping. It is easy to cut and dirt cheap. I love building with legos and working with pvc is similar. You can put things together and take them apart very easily. Only downside to it being easy is that you should glue it together when you are completely done so your ROV doesn't fall apart in the pool.

soldering - The "art" of connecting wires. You can make connections of wire to wire, wire to circuit board, or component to circuit board with "solder," a lead containing metal alloy, as the glue. To solder, you touch the two objects together, melt the solder on a hot metal rod, a soldering iron, and then touch the solder to the wire connection and let it cool.

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